Research & Development
At the heart of every innovation from Johnson, lies a state-of-the-art Research and Development facility. It's where ideas are birthed, given a heart and a mind to perform. It's where we harness the powers of cutting-edge technology to deliver something that enhances your life. Located at Pen, Maharashtra, it is approved by the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research, Government of India. Every new product developed here is stringently checked for its quality, right from the raw material stage itself. The clay, the pigments, the minerals, the chemicals, whether sourced locally or internationally, are not used until they meet our exacting standards. With geologists on site, examining the quality of material from the mine itself, we ensure that what you get is fit for today and ready for tomorrow.
Johnson is India's largest tile manufacturer. Its commitment to quality, service and innovation is backed by certification from world's leading accreditation bodies. Certificate of Merit for Energy Conservation, Bureau of Energy Efficiency, Ministry of Power A Recognition for the efficient use of energy and its conservation

As a socially responsible company, Johnson has initiated a number of measures to reduce energy consumption and to conserve and preserve precious natural resources. Our manufacturing operations are increasingly using greener fuels like biomass and wind energy. We leverage local resources and manufacture and distribute locally in order to cut down on fuel consumption wasted in transportation. We also use minimum water, mostly harvested rainwater, reuse energy diligently and recycle waste. We have also installed high grade pollution abatement devices that restrict the release of noxious gases such as SOx, NOx and SPM into the environment. The company has registered two projects under the Clean Development Mechanism which is generating certified emission reduction (CER). Additionally, we have two projects on the VER+ scheme accruing VER+ credits. These initiatives have been recognized by external and Government agencies such as Gas Authority of India Limited ( GAIL) and the Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE), Ministry of Power, Government of India. The bigger reward, however, is the fact that we are leaving the planet behind for our children, like the way we found it. Pure and green.
Earn leed points: Customers choosing to use our products can avail LEED or equivalent credits toward Green Building Certification under the following categories -
Material Resource: Use of local raw materials to reduce energy consumption during transportation - Available points 2.
Recycle Content: Use of recycled material in the manufacture of the product - Available points 2.